Sunday School
Makes a Difference!
Would you like your children to learn and talk about God, the Bible and the teachings of Jesus? Do you know any young people who would like the opportunity to talk and think about their lives from a spiritual standpoint?
Sunday School classes are held Sundays, from 10 - 11am PST!

All children and young people up to the age of 20 of any denomination are welcome to attend.

You are also welcome to drop your children off and then pick them up again when Sunday School is over. Additionally, we provide care for infants and toddlers for parents going on to church.
We look forward to meeting you!
or enter this info on the Zoom app/website:
Meeting ID: 748 973 205
Password: GodisLove
If you would like more information about our Sunday School we invite you to be in touch!

The primary and intermediate classes, through 5th grade, focus on Bible study as a guide to children’s lives:
Bible stories
The Ten Commandments
The Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer
The life and teachings of Jesus, including his parables and healing ministry
The middle school, high school and college classes deepen Bible study with:
Questions and answers derived from the weekly Bible Lesson. (The same Bible Lesson comprises the Sunday sermon in church.)
The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures are used as textbooks to find spiritually scientific answers to young peoples’ important questions, which will help them meet the challenges of daily life.
Expanding our understanding of God as Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth, & Love and our relationship to Him.